i fell in love with jesus, which means i am stuck with his body, the church. this causes tension. blogging relieves that tension.


On "Gay" Agendas and "Christian" Agendas

Recently, a friend emailed me a propaganda email from the "American
Family Association" which was urging Christians to fight the "Gay

It said that a newspaper in Denver was doing an online poll about
whether people thought homosexual orientation could be changed.

So far, 75% say no.

And the email urged all faithful Christians to take the poll, so that
we could show the world that homosexuality CAN be changed.


Yes, but does fighting untruth with untruth bring glory to Jesus?

Doesn't polling simply miss the point entirely?

It is not about whether people think homosexual orientation can[not]
be changed. It is about whether, in fact, it can be changed regardless
of what people think.

It is about whether people who encounter the power of Jesus are
actually changed.

And what if- I know this might be hard to believe- but what if a
homosexual met Jesus and was transformed into Christ-likeness, and
began really embodying the fruit of the Spirit [Galatians 5.22-23]?
What if such a person was filled with Christ's love, joy, peace,
patience, goodness, kindness, faith, humility, self-control, wisdom
and hope?

And what if all of that happened, but they were still homosexual? And
what if they still insisted that people who follow Jesus treat other
homosexuals with Christ's love, joy, peace, patience, goodness,
kindness, faith, humility, self-control, wisdom and hope (regardless
of whether they "converted" to heterosexuality)?

What would we do then? What would we say?

Wouldn't that royally screw up our pro-Jesus political-power rally?

And people will not encounter the power of Jesus through polls. People
will not encounter the power of Jesus through political power, or
legislative coercion.

If that was the case, Jesus would have come in political power to
destroy his enemies, and he would have set up a political kingdom
which destroyed Rome.

But he didn't.

He empowered a powerless group of people to love and heal through the
power of the Holy Spirit.

The whole right-wing semi-christian political movement acts counter to
this. They, in fact, deny the Kingdom of God by seeking to establish a
christless kingdom in Christ's Name.

If you want to prove that Jesus heals homosexuality [or anything else]
should you not rely on the strategy of Jesus himself, who says in the
Gospel of John "believe me on the evidence of the miracles themselves".

Jesus did not poll. Jesus did not curry popular opinion nor political

Jesus just healed.

Maybe followers of Jesus should do that too.

May Jesus draw you into Himself,


Anonymous said...

Just testing the comments...

Anonymous said...

More testing

Anonymous said...

Last test...
